What makes an effective lesson? New_el10
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What makes an effective lesson? New_el10
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What makes an effective lesson?

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What makes an effective lesson? Empty What makes an effective lesson?

Post by Guest Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:15 pm

1. Clarity of aims: the teacher knows exactly what s/he wants the students to be able to do do in the lesson, and why.

2. Clarity of staging: the stages of the lesson are in an appropriate order. E.g., the teacher ensures that students understand new language before asking them to use it.
3. Clarity of meaning. New language is clarified, and the teacher checks to make sure that the students understand it.

4. Maximum opportunity for practice. The students need to practice English, not the teacher, and so teacher talking time is kept to a minimum.

5. A humanistic approach: the teacher engages with students and reacts to them as human beings.

6. Variety of pace: sometimes energized, sometimes reflective.

7. Variety of activities: both so that students don’t get bored and to accommodate different learning styles

8. Variety of interactions: pairs, small groups, whole group, student to teacher, teacher to student, student to student, etc. Linguistically heterogeneous where possible

9. Variety of skills practiced: reading, listening, speaking, or writing

10. Variety of approach: the lesson incorporates different learning styles and accommodates different cultural approaches to learning.

11. Relevance: the lesson meets students’ linguistic and personal needs

12. Clear instructions: instructions are clear and easy to follow.

13. The lesson provides a bridge to further self-study and use outside the classroom.

14. Flexibility. The lesson and teacher should be responsive to students’ needs and energy levels.

15. Anything else you’d like to add?


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